Sunday, 4 December 2011

Something from the mind slipped out ...

hmm, it is weird feeling, how two people can think they are the right one, but still scare to open up. I understand about ''open up slowly'', but still in the end of the day is the main question, TRUST. Everything around is made from the trust. Trust the others, trust yourself. word small on the letters, but still huge in the meaning. If you love someone, that means that you believe to the other half of yours and not to worry about the past, you enjoy the present and you both looking into the future. And yet again we arrived to this old saying '' Hundred people, hundred tastes.''. Even you found the right person with a same taste, still both of you are scared, that something will not work out, that you can be hurt again, in a same way like you did last time and you are rejecting the possibility that you will not enter to the same river twice. But still on the end of the road the main winner is love and courage to make it anyway, even with all those doubts you are going to fight for it. i still believe ...

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